HPSDR - High Performance Software Defined Radio High Performance Software Defined Radio design group, open source design, uses FPGA ... Open source design Brief definition of Open Source In a "nutshell", open source is a term that is applied to a philosophy, in that the production and organization of a
`ifdef, `else, `elsif, `endif, and - Boyd Technology, Inc. The text_macro_identifier is a Verilog HDL simple_identifier. ... If the ifdef text macro identifier is defined, the ifdef group of lines is compiled as part of the description and if there are `else ...
can verilog do `if defined(SOMETHING) ... `elsif defined ... 2012年6月26日 - I'm pretty sure I've done something like this in C before where I have a variety of ...
WWW.TESTBENCH.IN - Verilog for Verification The `ifdef compiler directive checks for the definition of a text_macro_name. If the text_macro_name is ...
Verilog - Compiler Directives ... modules (Example 1). They should be used in pairs outside the module definition. ... The `ifdef directive checks if a macro name that follows this directive is defined. If it is, then all lines ...
The Verilog Preprocessor: Force for `Good and `Evil - Veripool 2010年8月25日 - We then consider metaprogramming with defines, to build `if, `for, lookup tables and ...
system verilog - systemverilog: when to use define macro vs ... 2013年5月20日 - For example, if I want to conditionally instantiate either module1 or module2, it seems I ...
Compiler Directives Part-I - ASIC world This page contains Verilog tutorial, Verilog Syntax, Verilog Quick Reference, PLI, ... The `ifdef directive checks that a macro has been defined, and if so, compiles the code that follows.
Verilog Compiler Directives ... macro_name1 // include source lines1 if macro_name1 is defined // the source lines1 ...
Verilog中条件编译命令`ifdef、`else、`endif 用法_百度文库 2011年2月18日 - Verilog 文件中,条件编译标志可以用`define 语句设置。 ... 预处指令#if #esle #en.